
Freinds Poems

Vampire Pictures
The Damned
Poems by Foresaken
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Freinds and Loved ones
Freinds Poems
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Poems from freinds around the globe
Warning some of these may be of graphic nature

The same copy write laws apply to this page as well

Committed to you in all I say and do
My every word to you is so very true
To be with you I need to know the truth
Do you wanted to be committed to me too?
Together forever
Do you want it or not?
I am committed to your heart
The choice is not mine
It's all up to whats in your mind
You hold the key
To the way it is goin to be
I need to be with you
And support you through whatever it is you want to do
No matter your answer
May it be yes or no
I will be with you always Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul
April Ewy

Cemetery Heart
Locked deep inside of me
A cemetery stands
It rests upon my broken heart
A dry and barren land
I erect humble toumbstones
For each part of that dies
And hold a lonesome funeral
Where there is no one to cry
Today I laid my pride to rest
Next to hope and trust
My love passed on years ago
My dreams turned to dust
Happiness stands crumbling
Atop a desolate knoll
Laughter silenced eternally
Lies beside my rotting soul
Rows and rows of tombstones
Stand neglected beyond repair
Long since has died my memories
With my ability to care
One grave remains empty
With Life the stones engraved
The time is approaching swiftly
When i'll forever close the gates

Nightmares In The Freezer
They know of my bad dreams
And advise me to
Put them into the refrigerator.
The freezer compartment
Where nothingness lurks in
Piercing and stinging
Frost bite.
So I begin to store my nightmares,
Into the freezer Ithrow
growling tigers
Licking their paws,
Menacing panthers
Flareing their whiskers,
Vampires teeth
Razor sharp teeth,
Faceless monsters,
Blood trickling from
Their slitty eyes.
I want to put them all
Into the freezer.
Never to take them out again.
But the freezer refuses--
It shakes it's sqaurish head,
Declines my offer to shove you in.
I flare up at it's obstinacy;
Mind you, thi is a human being,
If a tiger can fit in,
Why not? Why not?
The freezer does not reply.
But in it's silence,
I understood.
To put you into the freezer,
To turn you into an icicle of
Our forgoten past,
I would have to put
A part of me
In there to.
I would have to put
My Heart.

This is one from muh best freind

Her Journey's Just Begun
Don't think of her as gone away-
Her journey's just begun,
Life holds so may facets-
This earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting-
From the sorrowsand the tears,
In a place of warmth and comfort-
Where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing-
That we could know today,
How nothing but our sadness-
Can really pass away.
And think of her as living-
In the hearts of those she touched....
For nothing loved is ever lost-
And she was loved so much.
Jennifer Spurgeon

She Loved Him Once
She loved him once
At least
The man he used to be
When they first met
They were so young
Their lives were filled with many dreams
Filled so much with each other
First it seemed
There was little room for anything else
Then the children came
The first
Then the second
Their love grew
Even enough to cover the third
For she was their little angel
She loved him once
The man he used to be
As in most cases
Took its toll
The hours of over time
The worry being the soul provider brought
Chipped away at him
Slowly at first
Just below the surface
Still he never complained
He was alwys their superman
The knight in shineing armor
When theyneeded more he found it
But not always without a price
The grey hair came early
It was at their daughters wedding
She first noticed the shake in his hands
How long had this been goin on
She wondered
How hard he had struggled
To make sure she didn't see
She would never know
It didn't take long
Before it didn't matter how hard he tried
She did love him once
The man he used to be
Now in so many ways
He is his own reflectoin
Gone is the sharpness
His eyes would always reveal
On a good day
He still remembers her
On a bed
He just sits there
Not even knowing his own name
People wonder
Behind her back
And yes
Even sometimesto her face
Why she still stays
Why she hasn't shiped him away somewhere
Why she still cares for him
At home
Deep down
They know
She did love him once
The man he used to be
What they can't see
Is that she loves him even more

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